Homepage of Voter Registration

Voter Registration Statistics

Voter Registration Statistics: Geographical Constituencies

No. of registered electors in the 2024 final register: 4,210,384

No. of registered electors in 2024
Year No. of Registered Electors
2024 4,210,384

No. of registered electors in 2015-2024
Year No. of Registered Electors
2015 3,693,942
2016 3,779,085
2017 3,805,069
2018 3,814,318
2019 4,132,977
2020 4,466,944
2021 4,472,863
2022 4,412,415
2023 4,333,106
2024 4,210,384

Distribution of registered electors by geographical constituencies in 2024
Geographical Constituency No. of Registered Electors
Hong Kong Island East 390,396
Hong Kong Island West 351,628
Kowloon East 450,837
Kowloon West 354,576
Kowloon Central 428,457
New Territories South East 446,892
New Territories North 415,104
New Territories North West 441,233
New Territories South West 480,357
New Territories North East 450,904

Sex profile of registered electors in 2024
Sex No. of Registered Electors
Male 1,988,230
Female 2,222,154