Homepage of Voter Registration

Voter Registration Statistics

Voter Registration Statistics: Election Committee Subsectors

Distribution of registered voters by Election Committee subsectors in 2013
Name of Subsectors No. of Registered Voters
TOTAL 15,150 220,698 235,848
First Sector
1 Catering 747 4,869 5,616
2 Commercial (First) 807 --- 807
3 Commercial (Second) 599 905 1,504
4 Employers' Federation of Hong Kong 105 --- 105
5 Finance 118 --- 118
6 Financial Services 551 --- 551
7 Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association 282 15 297
8 Hotel 121 --- 121
9 Import and Export 775 534 1,309
10 Industrial (First) 510 510
11 Industrial (Second) 727 --- 727
12 Insurance 126 --- 126
13 Real Estate and Construction 473 215 688
14 Textiles and Garment 2,507 57 2,564
15 Tourism 1,153 --- 1,153
16 Transport 195 --- 195
17 Wholesale and Retail 1,676 4,996 6,672
Sub-total 11,472 11,591 23,063
Second Sector
1 Accountancy --- 25,062 25,062
2 Architectural, Surveying and Planning --- 6,916 6,916
3 Chinese Medicine --- 5,902 5,902
4 Education --- 80,996 80,996
5 Engineering --- 9,110 9,110
6 Health Services --- 36,446 36,446
7 Higher Education --- 7,476 7,476
8 Information Technology 340 5,304 5,644
9 Legal --- 6,448 6,448
10 Medical --- 10,897 10,897
Sub-total 340 194,557 194,897
Third Sector
1 Agriculture and Fisheries 157 --- 157
2 Labour 642 --- 642
3 Social Welfare 279 13,573 13,852
4 Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication 2,260 323 2,583
Sub-total 3,338 13,896 17,234
Fourth Sector
1 Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference --- 93 93
2 Heung Yee Kuk --- 149 149
3 Hong Kong and Kowloon District Councils --- 200 200
4 New Territories District Councils --- 212 212
Sub-total --- 654 654